The Real Reason We Invaded Afghanistan
First the facts:
ONE: Two border patrol agents, Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos, are in prison this very second for what the Justice Department deemed a horrific crime.
They shot an illegal alien smuggling 700 lbs. of pot across the border.
This is why they are in prison…… for performing their assigned duties.
Except that their boss, an employee of the Dept of Homeland Security seems to be the handler of the drug smuggler. Federal agents also lied in affidavits to make sure two border agents with integrity went to prison.
TWO: Afghanistan is the largest opium producing country in the world. For you recreational users out there, our invasion of their country has helped your cause immensely. It is purely disgusting how many soldiers have lost their lives invading a country only to see Afghanis producing record levels of poppy with our help.
Since our invasion of Afghanistan, their opium production has gone up 140%, up 60% alone in 2006! They now provide 90% of the world’s opium.
THREE: The U.S. government spent over $180 billion on the war on drugs last year (that is an incredibly conservative estimate).
Drug use increased over 22% in the U.S. alone.
According to author David Icke the three largest global revenue producers are banking, war and drugs. That being said, one must surmise that some of the most powerful people in the world have great interest in their continued success. Crazy talk, for sure, but maybe not so absurd.
Baffling Questions
After 9-11 there were some occurrences that truly baffled me. I have asked many people these very simple questions and have yet to receive an adequate answer. I will pose those same questions to you now.
If you were George Bush on September 12, 2001 what would be the first actions you would take? First what would be your response to the attack? Secondly, how would you protect our country from getting hit again?
Before you answer, here are some of the key facts he had in hand. First, Bin Laden, the leader of the crazies, was responsible for what had just taken place. Yosef Bodansky (Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism) has been telling you for years that Bin Laden is the greatest threat to our nation. Bodansky wrote a book in 1999 titled "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War On America". So this guy who is leading your task force on terrorism seems to be somewhat ahead of the curve. The very next thing Yosef tells you is that Bin Laden is not financing this war from his own riches as many claim. Osama is flat broke because all of his funds have been frozen over the last few years by a number of governments who are scared of this freak. Bodansky goes on to say that Al Qaeda’s major funding is coming from one significant source: Afghani opium. To the tune of a few billion dollars a year.
Osama becomes a drug pusher
Osama, when kicked out of Sudan, landed in Afghanistan and made a pact with Mullah Omar to accomplish two things. He told Omar that he would help sell his opium across the world and also defeat the U.S. in the process as long as Omar would give him safe haven and land to raise up his terrorists. (Osama also promised Omar not to film him during his seizures, during which he gets his visions from Allah on how to hang women who forget to cover their head while in public). So Al Qaeda now has all the funding they could ever dream of and could fund not only attacks in third world countries but they could afford to send people into America to carry out spectacular attacks. Instead of just blowing up homes made out of dirt and burning down grass huts they could fly planes into skyscrapers and leave a historical mark on freedom. And they did. We invade Afghanistan to crush the Taliban and their ability to fund any more attacks.
So again I ask you, what is the first thing you do when your feet hit the soil in Taliban country. Do you buy yourself a bunch of crop dusters, employ out of work Air Taliban pilots to span out across the vast opium fields to destroy the source of Al Qaeda’s income? Ok, maybe you just burn a few of the fields to send a message to the rest of the farmers, who only own hatchets to defend themselves, to stop growing the shit!
Afghanis apparently are great farmers
Well, according to the Washington Post "Opium production in Afghanistan, which provides more than 90 percent of the world's heroin, broke all records in 2006, reaching a historic high despite ongoing U.S.-sponsored eradication."
Huh, it seems that in 2001, before our invasion, Afghanistan had only 3% of the world’s opium acreage. In 2004 that number soared to 67% of the total world acreage of opium fields. The percentage of world opium produced in Afghanistan jumped to 76% in 2002, to 87% in 2004, to 90% in 2006.
My god, the Afghani’s had no clue how to grow poppy at all! Good thing we showed up and taught them. How does something like this happen? Bodansky tells us that opium is their number one source of income to carry out jihad for Osama’s zombies. Yet we go into their country, occupy it, supposedly run off the bad guys and opium production goes through the fricken roof. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN! You have to try NOT to destroy any opium fields to create this kind of success for the poppy growers.
Secondly, if your GW on September 12th what is the next thing you do?
Everyone is terrified of more attacks being carried out and American’s are more willing than ever to give up freedoms to secure our nation. A very good friend of mine, who is military and works in the Pentagon, even placed a call to me within a couple of months after 9-11. In this call she asked me to perform her eulogy if anything happened to her in D.C. My friend (we will call her "M") receives the same security briefing the President gets every morning as he runs the country. "M" has access to some of the most secure centers in the world and classified information due to her military rank. She travels with the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Army at times. So if anyone should feel safe and secure it should be "M". But here she was pretty shaken up on the call, which was completely out of character for her. I have known "M" for years and we are very close friends indeed, so I know her typical reactions. She is not an alarmist of any sort. "M" is very grounded and her inner strength would settle most people in the event of any crisis. So when she placed her call to me and I could hear the shakiness in her voice, it spooked me to put it mildly.
The reason "M" was so shook up: there was intelligence that Al Qaeda had smuggled a tactical nuclear device into the country and was planning to detonate it in Washington D.C. This was not some sort of conjured threat by some fanatic; it was defined intelligence that presented a catastrophic threat to the future of our nation.
Our Weakest Link
So again, I ask you. I implore you. If you are George W Bush and you are attending briefings that are telling you that Al Qaeda is smuggling one or more nuclear devices across the borders, WHAT DO YOU DO?????????
Hmmm, what to do, what to do? That border to the south seems to be ridiculously porous and there have been reports that more Islamic nutjobs are coming across it, possibly with nukes this time. Maybe we should lock it down. Maybe, just maybe, we build a snow fence that slows the touchdown run of Mexico mike and whoever else has paid Pablo to get them into the U.S. undetected. Maybe we put more agents on the border at $40,000 a year to protect our trillions of dollars in assets from being vaporized. Now there is a novel thought. But I don’t have to tell you. You have already made that decision when I asked you the question because you think logically and with sane rationalizations.
But it is 2007 and we are imprisoning border agents for doing their job? Somebody please explain this to me. Why would any president with any normal, sane, logical, deductive thought processes continue to allow our borders to go unsecured? (For the record, I felt that G.W. was the best man to have at the helm when all of this craziness went down. I was even in his camp defending our response to 9-11 and continued to do so for years.)
What is so pressing that we would continue to ignore our weakest link in keeping our great country from becoming Osama’s nuke test site? Who is twisting the prez’ arm and saying "Now W, don’t you stop those nice illegals from entering our country, they mean us no harm."
And what a win for the president. He kills two birds with one stone. He stops any more Jihad Joes from sneaking in and that persistent drug problem suddenly goes away.
Oops. Now that is a problem isn’t it.
Powerful People Making Big Money in Drugs
What if, just for a moment, what if that whole drug thing was making some very important people in our political structure very serious money? There were often reports that during the Clinton administration that the single largest cocaine operation was being run out of Mena, Arkansas. I was berating that administration for unparalleled corruption on so many different fronts. The Clintons were such easy targets because they did so many corrupt things unabashedly. So when reports were coming in about the cocaine and heroin distribution being so closely tied to the Clinton administration it was not a shock. So I expected G.W. to operate completely differently. And he has in many ways, except when it comes to drugs and securing our border.
The illegal drug business has been huge money for many influential people in our nation for decades. The connection to the Sicilian mafia and the world drug cartel is widely known and accepted. And the connections to Italian organized crime in our own country are also a known fact. What most people never realize is the power brokers who control those organizations have even more powerful people above them that allow them to continue their business. This is what creates the atmosphere where we imprison border agents for doing what they are paid to do, keep illegals out and stop the flow of drugs.
But neither the President, nor the congress has enacted anything that would protect our nation and our families from potential catastrophe. Shame on them. Afghanis are growing opium and producing it like Toyota’s rolling off the line in Ohio. They keep getting better and better each year at growing poppy and I can only deduct that it is because of their unmatched educational system. These kids are dang smart and will definitely give the Silicon Valley a run for their money in just a few years. Apparently, the University of Smack is developing some of the best farming techniques ever seen on the globe.
Come on, that is so absurd. Does anyone else find this repulsive? We are there on the ground, SURGING, stemming the flow of money to Al Qaeda. Enduring Freedom is creating an atmosphere where the Afghanis can pursue prosperity and happiness (or the great skill of growing high grade opium). It all makes great headlines, but it is all fantasy. The facts are just the opposite.
We have done nothing to stop, let alone slow, the output of opium. Instead of taking down one of the great viruses that afflict so many millions, we have helped increase the production and there is only one logical answer. Someone wants the poppy crop to succeed. It’s about the money. Someone is getting rich, and that someone is very powerful and has the ability to influence what our military does and does not do in Afghanistan.
Ramos and Compean are in prison as you read this for trying to stop someone’s drugs from getting to their intended destination. The man they shot, who survived, was smuggling drugs. The next guy that comes through may be carrying Anthrax, Ricin or a Russian tactical nuke with evil intentions. We are freedom-loving people. These two men were defending our freedom. Now they sit in prison, one of them nearly beaten to death in his first week inside the walls of what is meant for dangerous criminals. President Bush has ignored the call of numerous senators and congressmen demanding the release of these two good men. Why doesn’t he answer the call? Why doesn’t he secure our borders? Let me know when you figure it out.
Number One Reason We Invaded Afghanistan
The second reason we invaded Afghanistan is oil. Now I know that comes as a shock, but you will be able to get sleep in a couple of days once you digest it. There is a pipeline being built as we speak to take oil from the Caspian Sea to Central Asia that will make a few major oil companies trillions of dollars. I am not making this up. It is true and it is fact. I will provide those facts for you in the next blog. Also, who killed JFK is still coming. You will be surprised how much his death actually ties into to this story of what is happening in Afghanistan.
At 3:22 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Good post.
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