Who keeps blowing up our Space Shuttle? Part II
The space shuttle Challenger was destroyed on liftoff and evidence that has finally been released shows a different cause than just the O-ring failures. There was a surge of engergy, recorded by NASA and the onboard computers that actually shook the shuttle apart. But first a short tutorial in how such an attack could occur.
To understand how Hurricane Katrina, the Columbia and Challenger Shuttle disasters and the great Tsunami of Christmas 2005 could be acts of aggression we must dig into the past of Nikola Tesla. Scalar weapons have been around for decades but most people are just now becoming aware of them. They all started with Tesla.
One man today, stands apart as the purveyor of knowledge when it comes to scalar technology and how obtainable Tesla’s theories really are. That man is Tom Bearden, a professor from UC Berkley. Tom Bearden’s studies can easily be accessed online and it will become readily apparent that if you want to enter a realm well beyond the common mind, his knowledge is a good place to start.
Tesla not only baffled what some considered to be the greatest minds in history; he appeared to teeter on the edge of sanity with some of his theories. Such minds like Einstein and Oppenheimer wrestled with Tesla’s thoughts to such a degree of frustration that they eventually impugned the man as a farce. What they didn’t get, but others eventually did, was that Tesla’s theories were not only possible, but some of them quickly became reality when implemented. Tesla’s theories have produced such technology as earthquake machines, weather engineering devices, missile defense shields, and the ever popular “death ray gun”.
Tom Bearden’s own passion to see many of Tesla’s theories fulfilled has spurred many inventions on within the last few years for public consumption. Some of the machines are referred to as free energy devices that allow you to produce your own energy at a fraction of the cost that you pay your local utility company. The Tesla Roadster is a vehicle that is propelled without any gasoline, to match other muscle cars churned out in Detroit. There are many other devices that we will see the advent of if we can keep the government from squelching them.
When you go the local MRI facility to have a scan completed of your ailing body you have entered the world of Tesla. This machine is straight from his design and you’ll hear many hospitals refer to their machine as a Tesla MRI. Once again, realize that these specs and theories were developed in the late 1800’s long before anyone had given them any kind of thought. Tesla’s wireless technology also grew legs around the same time frame as he began to put on displays for other scientists and media. His demonstrations seemed to be mystical for people who had barely seen the onset of the automobile. But here was a man who was discovering technology and building it for a public that was completely in awe. Today, we use that technology every day when we dial our cell phone.
Many of the devices listed have been milestones in human progress and have only served to enhance our lives. Unfortunately, out of the same well of progress have come some devices that will change our planet forever and already have been active in altering world events and global climates.
I could take the next 5 articles and explain in great detail what Tesla has done, how his genius is documented and go over how many of these devices work in theory. Instead, I ask you to research these on your own and come to your own conclusions in regards to their viability. I only want to take you down the path of what has been happening in our own existence that the masses have been blind to.
As you know anyone can make a simple assertion, flop it online and then build a case to buttress their argument or agenda. The best way to divide most fact from fiction is by obtaining corroborating evidence that establishes facts as opposed to fantasy.
Tesla’s main hypothesis is that the entire planet is made up of “free energy” that is either floating around or vibrating in the earth itself. By creating devices that can harness this energy he surmised that you could then control that energy to the point that you could project it and release it when and wherever you wanted to. Hence, scalar technology was born. Simply put, you could take electromagnetic pulses (the same kind that are produced when a nuclear bomb detonates) and control their intensity and release their energy into weather formations, fault lines and even produce energy shields that could be used to protect countries from incoming missiles.
Each of these categories require immense study on their own, and historical dredging to realize that they have already been successfully conquered and have been actively used on different parts of the globe. One corroborating piece of evidence that reinforces Tesla’s theory in creating seismic weapons is that of Stanislav Lunev. In his book “Through the eyes of the enemy” Lunev speaks about the weapon that the Soviets developed that could create massive earthquakes. In his book, Lunev recalled the effects of the seismic weapon that almost destroyed major towns in the Transcaucasus Mountains in the Soviet Union during a scalar weapon test. The Soviets estimated that close to 70,000 people lost their lives in that man made catastrophe. Lunev, who was the highest-ranking Russian official to defect to the U.S, stated that that Soviet pursuit of such weapons and technology had only increased in the last couple of decades. The Soviets had been perfecting these weapons, but even in the last few years were still perfecting the ability to strike at will.
Shuttle Challenger Disaster
When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift off, not a soul in America gave any thought that it might have been an attack on U.S sovereignty. The official story line was that the O rings on the booster rockets had failed. And even most, if not all, of NASA’s investigators believed that to be the truth. Most scalar experts disagreed vehemently. You see scalar technology carries a couple of signatures that cannot be mistaken for anything else. Scalar technology works on a frequency that most governments can’t even measure or detect. Scalar, when activated is measured in very low Hertz, well below 20 Hz. So low, that only NOAA can detect such activity. Humans can detect sounds that operate on wavelengths between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. NOAA or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration does have such equipment that can listen for such occurrences that register below the 20 Hz threshold.
Something struck the shuttle
National Geographic recently aired a cutting edge documentary about the Challenger disaster and profiled an author (Richard Feynman)who is well known for his investigative skills and ability to solve seemingly unexplainable events. After thorough investigation into the first shuttle disaster he discovered something that was either overlooked or just hadn’t registered with the NASA team or was intentionally left out of the final report. There were problems with the O rings, no doubt, but there was a catastrophic event that struck the shuttle just before its breakup over the ocean. This event not only caused the shuttle to violently veer off course, but the same energy explosion was creating havoc with incoming flights into Florida. And one other outstanding symptom, was that same crazy occurence of birds falling aimlessly out of the sky and dying before hitting the ground. More on that in another article.
What Feynman was explaining in his book and follow up special on National Geographic was the perfect signature of a scalar attack. Popular opinion and the official finding were that the O-rings failed allowing the fuel to ignite and destroy the shuttle. But this is not what occurred, sort of. Something took place that caused the external fuel tank to crumble and release it's explosive contents. That is the core of what gives us the evidence that scalar weapons may have been used on our shuttle.
Scalar attacks can be applied with different methods, but with the same results. When a scalar attack occurs on a vehicle in flight there are a couple of ways to destroy that vehicle. One way is to release enough energy into that vehicle to destroy electronic instruments and ignite the fuel that is propelling the vehicle. The second avenue is to create a force of impact, through the same release of energy to cause the vehicle to veer so violently that it’s structural integrity fails. Both Shuttle disasters exhibited these effects.
In the event of the Challenger disaster, information has recently come available to the general public that easily shows the shuttle was struck by a “energy sheer”, that NASA had never seen in it’s history. This blast of wind or energy hit the shuttle as it was powering up to Max Q, (the term that NASA uses to describe the phase that the shuttle enters as it experiences the most stress from g-force as it fully powers up to break free from Earth’s gravity) or Maximum Aerodynamic Pressure. The shuttle or any airborne vehicle retains its structural integrity and it’s ability to fly based on the constant force flowing around the outside skin. If there is an outside force (energy or turbulence) that radically disrupts this flow, it can cause catastrophic failure of the vehicle fuselage.
For example, most people do not realize that surface to air missiles do not actually strike the airplane they are launched at. Each missile has a proximity device that detonates close to the airplane to deliver the hammer-blow of force to disrupt the plane’s flight path. The plane as it travels is suddenly pushed off its normal course so violently that the “skin” of the plane ruptures and catastrophic failure occurs, commonly resulting in the ignition of any fuel onboard. Most people mistake the actual explosion as the kill device, when it is just a result of the structural failure of the plane itself from the violent impact of air blasting it radically off course.
Commander William S. Donaldson, a Naval crash investigator, explained these types of forces in his investigation into TWA flight 800. His findings showed that the passengers on that flight, which he believed was brought down by a surface to air missile, were instantly killed when the plane was violently forced off it’s normal path by the explosion just outside the fuselage. The force was so great, he explained, that most assuredly each passenger’s neck was instantly broken from the violent change of direction, as their neck could not support the weight of their own head in such an event. The g-force would mercilessly kill each passenger and they would not even be aware of what occurred. As the plane broke apart just off of Long Island, the fuel then ignited in what people viewed as the massive fireball descending into the ocean. But the real cause was a simple, sudden change in the flight path that caused the catastrophic failure of the airplane’s fuselage.

Photo of exhaust plume and flight path of Challenger during breakup.
Challenger violently veers off course
The Challenger experienced the same event in which the onboard computers immediately registered the shuttle veering from a life sustaining flight path and began firing the shuttles main engine nozzles to try to maintain course. Unfortunately, the force was so violent that the onboard computers could not fire the nozzles rapidly enough or forcefully enough to keep the shuttle from experiencing structural failure as it was forced off course. The force being applied to the shuttle was unprecedented.
If you remember or even view the video footage of the shuttle’s exhaust plume, you will see the jagged design left in the plume that shows how the shuttle was violently forced off course and how the main engine frantically fired it’s nozzles to try to regain a stable course. The jagged picture of the exhaust shows how the shuttle went from a straight, viable flight path, to one that would cause it’s demise as it’s integrity could not survive such deviation in flight direction.
National Geographic reveals the truth
This simple piece of visual evidence was the clue that led Richard Feynman in the National Geographic special "Challenger: The Untold Story" to investigate a cause other than the simple O ring theory that everyone believed to be the root cause. That shudder that surged through the shuttle’s body and resulted in the disintegration of the external fuel tank was the real source of Challenger’s demise. As the external fuel tank crumbled from the extreme forces being applied to it, the fuel began to ignite and the massive explosion ensued and completed the catastrophic breakup of the shuttle. I would encourage you to view the documentary as it is highly in depth and sheds great insight on a cause that most people haven’t even heard about.
This was not a simple wind sheer or highly charged jet stream that NASA somehow missed. The force that we are talking about here was off the chart and had not been seen before by NASA engineers. Airplanes and even Space Shuttle’s experience turbulence, sometimes extremely violent turbulence, but never before had any kind of turbulence reached this magnitude. This was an event that mapped a new danger for our space program. Something had struck the shuttle with unprecedented force that cost the lives of 7 astronauts and crippled the space program for years. Scalar experts believed without a doubt that we had seen the first attack on our space program.
Columbia destroyed on re-entry
This was not the last. The Columbia disaster bears signatures that are also disturbing and have been classified after brief release to keep the information from the public. I was just learning about scalar technology when I was sitting at my dining table and watched the news stream across the television that communication had been lost with the shuttle during reentry. The foam theory and lost tile theory that the government put forth really never held water with most experts. The reason being was that the shuttle lost tiles on almost every trip into space but still retained its ability to come safely back to Earth.
Earlier, I discussed there are different modes of scalar attack. The mode we saw displayed during liftoff with Challenger was simple energy creating severe sheer to cause fatal stress to the vehicle. The second main kill mode is to release enough energy to destroy electronics and ignite gasses or fuel spontaneously.
Early reports in most disasters tend to be very accurate, contrary to what the government repeatedly touts. In this event there was information that came out that gave great clues to what really happened but eventually was confiscated and never shown again to the general public.
There is an astronomer in San Francisco that photographed each shuttle reentry as it occurred. This time his actions were no different but the photographs revealed something that he had not seen before. There were wild lightning type discharges that were emanating from the shuttle as though it was going through some violent electrical storm. The shuttle was completely intact, as these intense bolts seemed to strike the shuttle relentlessly as it came back to Earth. As these “discharges” attacked the shuttle it eventually began the chain reaction that would break it up as all of its vehicle stability controls were destroyed and eventually the remaining fuel ignited. If this was the only signature I would, just like most people, assume it was just simple electrical discharge as the shuttle came back to earth. But the second piece of evidence causes one to consider the “discharges" as something more.
Scalar attack recorded by NOAA
The other recordable signature, which struck a cord with scalar experts, was the fact that NOAA had picked up “infrasounds” that register below 20 hertz as the shuttle was descending. Scalar, as we discussed earlier, operates well below 20 Hz and can only be detected by government stations that usually are listening for rogue nuclear tests and the like. Government researchers confirmed to a reporter from the Toledo Blade that they had indeed picked up “infrasound” at the exact time of reentry on February 1. They admitted that this was very disturbing to them and they were unsure if this corresponded to the shuttle’s demise. The researchers also refused to discuss the findings as NASA and the government requested. If these discharges were simply that, there would not be a need to keep the information from the public and families of the lost astronauts.
What is disconcerting is that the San Francisco Chronicle reported the story about the photographs after the photographer called them. The photographer showed the pics to the Chronicle and they confirmed what they saw. The photos were deemed authentic by the Chronicle reporter and sent to NASA for confirmation. NASA obtained the photos and to this day they remain unreleased to the public. Apparently, they are kept in the same safe as Kennedy’s brain.
This possible attack on Columbia bears the marks that support the second type of scalar attack. Energy can be released on a vehicle, whether it is a missile or airplane or space shuttle, and if that EMP is strong enough it will kill all electronics and ignite the fuel on board. This is a much simpler attack, as it requires little strategy, just simple catastrophic failure of all critical components that keep the vehicle flying. As Columbia broke apart it is quite possible that the evidence that was classified would provide the real insight as to what really occurred. Again, the government seems bent on dispensing its own theory and imagining that everyone will believe it and ignore critical evidence.
You may think that all of this sounds like a bad sci-fi thriller, but I assure you there are many people within our own government that understand what scalar capabilities are out there and what weapons our own government has in its arsenal. I am not saying that these types of weapons don’t have their place and I think they can be crucial in defending our freedoms. But there is also evidence to suggest that significant events that have occurred and will continue to occur with more frequency are being caused by technology that most people are unaware of.
The great Tsunami may also be another event in which scalar weapons were being tested and created one of the great tragedies of our era. Scalar testing and weapons perfecting goes on continuously and such events like tsunamis may have been caused. Weather engineering is also occurring on a routine basis that is affecting your climate in many different ways. Katrina had all of the earmarks of being a manipulated event. More on that in a later article. I encourage you to ask why?
Coming up……who killed Kennedy…for real…and why...and why some people already know what the weather will be like on April 19th.
To understand how Hurricane Katrina, the Columbia and Challenger Shuttle disasters and the great Tsunami of Christmas 2005 could be acts of aggression we must dig into the past of Nikola Tesla. Scalar weapons have been around for decades but most people are just now becoming aware of them. They all started with Tesla.
One man today, stands apart as the purveyor of knowledge when it comes to scalar technology and how obtainable Tesla’s theories really are. That man is Tom Bearden, a professor from UC Berkley. Tom Bearden’s studies can easily be accessed online and it will become readily apparent that if you want to enter a realm well beyond the common mind, his knowledge is a good place to start.
Tesla not only baffled what some considered to be the greatest minds in history; he appeared to teeter on the edge of sanity with some of his theories. Such minds like Einstein and Oppenheimer wrestled with Tesla’s thoughts to such a degree of frustration that they eventually impugned the man as a farce. What they didn’t get, but others eventually did, was that Tesla’s theories were not only possible, but some of them quickly became reality when implemented. Tesla’s theories have produced such technology as earthquake machines, weather engineering devices, missile defense shields, and the ever popular “death ray gun”.
Tom Bearden’s own passion to see many of Tesla’s theories fulfilled has spurred many inventions on within the last few years for public consumption. Some of the machines are referred to as free energy devices that allow you to produce your own energy at a fraction of the cost that you pay your local utility company. The Tesla Roadster is a vehicle that is propelled without any gasoline, to match other muscle cars churned out in Detroit. There are many other devices that we will see the advent of if we can keep the government from squelching them.
When you go the local MRI facility to have a scan completed of your ailing body you have entered the world of Tesla. This machine is straight from his design and you’ll hear many hospitals refer to their machine as a Tesla MRI. Once again, realize that these specs and theories were developed in the late 1800’s long before anyone had given them any kind of thought. Tesla’s wireless technology also grew legs around the same time frame as he began to put on displays for other scientists and media. His demonstrations seemed to be mystical for people who had barely seen the onset of the automobile. But here was a man who was discovering technology and building it for a public that was completely in awe. Today, we use that technology every day when we dial our cell phone.
Many of the devices listed have been milestones in human progress and have only served to enhance our lives. Unfortunately, out of the same well of progress have come some devices that will change our planet forever and already have been active in altering world events and global climates.
I could take the next 5 articles and explain in great detail what Tesla has done, how his genius is documented and go over how many of these devices work in theory. Instead, I ask you to research these on your own and come to your own conclusions in regards to their viability. I only want to take you down the path of what has been happening in our own existence that the masses have been blind to.
As you know anyone can make a simple assertion, flop it online and then build a case to buttress their argument or agenda. The best way to divide most fact from fiction is by obtaining corroborating evidence that establishes facts as opposed to fantasy.
Tesla’s main hypothesis is that the entire planet is made up of “free energy” that is either floating around or vibrating in the earth itself. By creating devices that can harness this energy he surmised that you could then control that energy to the point that you could project it and release it when and wherever you wanted to. Hence, scalar technology was born. Simply put, you could take electromagnetic pulses (the same kind that are produced when a nuclear bomb detonates) and control their intensity and release their energy into weather formations, fault lines and even produce energy shields that could be used to protect countries from incoming missiles.
Each of these categories require immense study on their own, and historical dredging to realize that they have already been successfully conquered and have been actively used on different parts of the globe. One corroborating piece of evidence that reinforces Tesla’s theory in creating seismic weapons is that of Stanislav Lunev. In his book “Through the eyes of the enemy” Lunev speaks about the weapon that the Soviets developed that could create massive earthquakes. In his book, Lunev recalled the effects of the seismic weapon that almost destroyed major towns in the Transcaucasus Mountains in the Soviet Union during a scalar weapon test. The Soviets estimated that close to 70,000 people lost their lives in that man made catastrophe. Lunev, who was the highest-ranking Russian official to defect to the U.S, stated that that Soviet pursuit of such weapons and technology had only increased in the last couple of decades. The Soviets had been perfecting these weapons, but even in the last few years were still perfecting the ability to strike at will.
Shuttle Challenger Disaster
When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift off, not a soul in America gave any thought that it might have been an attack on U.S sovereignty. The official story line was that the O rings on the booster rockets had failed. And even most, if not all, of NASA’s investigators believed that to be the truth. Most scalar experts disagreed vehemently. You see scalar technology carries a couple of signatures that cannot be mistaken for anything else. Scalar technology works on a frequency that most governments can’t even measure or detect. Scalar, when activated is measured in very low Hertz, well below 20 Hz. So low, that only NOAA can detect such activity. Humans can detect sounds that operate on wavelengths between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. NOAA or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration does have such equipment that can listen for such occurrences that register below the 20 Hz threshold.
Something struck the shuttle
National Geographic recently aired a cutting edge documentary about the Challenger disaster and profiled an author (Richard Feynman)who is well known for his investigative skills and ability to solve seemingly unexplainable events. After thorough investigation into the first shuttle disaster he discovered something that was either overlooked or just hadn’t registered with the NASA team or was intentionally left out of the final report. There were problems with the O rings, no doubt, but there was a catastrophic event that struck the shuttle just before its breakup over the ocean. This event not only caused the shuttle to violently veer off course, but the same energy explosion was creating havoc with incoming flights into Florida. And one other outstanding symptom, was that same crazy occurence of birds falling aimlessly out of the sky and dying before hitting the ground. More on that in another article.
What Feynman was explaining in his book and follow up special on National Geographic was the perfect signature of a scalar attack. Popular opinion and the official finding were that the O-rings failed allowing the fuel to ignite and destroy the shuttle. But this is not what occurred, sort of. Something took place that caused the external fuel tank to crumble and release it's explosive contents. That is the core of what gives us the evidence that scalar weapons may have been used on our shuttle.
Scalar attacks can be applied with different methods, but with the same results. When a scalar attack occurs on a vehicle in flight there are a couple of ways to destroy that vehicle. One way is to release enough energy into that vehicle to destroy electronic instruments and ignite the fuel that is propelling the vehicle. The second avenue is to create a force of impact, through the same release of energy to cause the vehicle to veer so violently that it’s structural integrity fails. Both Shuttle disasters exhibited these effects.
In the event of the Challenger disaster, information has recently come available to the general public that easily shows the shuttle was struck by a “energy sheer”, that NASA had never seen in it’s history. This blast of wind or energy hit the shuttle as it was powering up to Max Q, (the term that NASA uses to describe the phase that the shuttle enters as it experiences the most stress from g-force as it fully powers up to break free from Earth’s gravity) or Maximum Aerodynamic Pressure. The shuttle or any airborne vehicle retains its structural integrity and it’s ability to fly based on the constant force flowing around the outside skin. If there is an outside force (energy or turbulence) that radically disrupts this flow, it can cause catastrophic failure of the vehicle fuselage.
For example, most people do not realize that surface to air missiles do not actually strike the airplane they are launched at. Each missile has a proximity device that detonates close to the airplane to deliver the hammer-blow of force to disrupt the plane’s flight path. The plane as it travels is suddenly pushed off its normal course so violently that the “skin” of the plane ruptures and catastrophic failure occurs, commonly resulting in the ignition of any fuel onboard. Most people mistake the actual explosion as the kill device, when it is just a result of the structural failure of the plane itself from the violent impact of air blasting it radically off course.
Commander William S. Donaldson, a Naval crash investigator, explained these types of forces in his investigation into TWA flight 800. His findings showed that the passengers on that flight, which he believed was brought down by a surface to air missile, were instantly killed when the plane was violently forced off it’s normal path by the explosion just outside the fuselage. The force was so great, he explained, that most assuredly each passenger’s neck was instantly broken from the violent change of direction, as their neck could not support the weight of their own head in such an event. The g-force would mercilessly kill each passenger and they would not even be aware of what occurred. As the plane broke apart just off of Long Island, the fuel then ignited in what people viewed as the massive fireball descending into the ocean. But the real cause was a simple, sudden change in the flight path that caused the catastrophic failure of the airplane’s fuselage.
Photo of exhaust plume and flight path of Challenger during breakup.
Challenger violently veers off course
The Challenger experienced the same event in which the onboard computers immediately registered the shuttle veering from a life sustaining flight path and began firing the shuttles main engine nozzles to try to maintain course. Unfortunately, the force was so violent that the onboard computers could not fire the nozzles rapidly enough or forcefully enough to keep the shuttle from experiencing structural failure as it was forced off course. The force being applied to the shuttle was unprecedented.
If you remember or even view the video footage of the shuttle’s exhaust plume, you will see the jagged design left in the plume that shows how the shuttle was violently forced off course and how the main engine frantically fired it’s nozzles to try to regain a stable course. The jagged picture of the exhaust shows how the shuttle went from a straight, viable flight path, to one that would cause it’s demise as it’s integrity could not survive such deviation in flight direction.
National Geographic reveals the truth
This simple piece of visual evidence was the clue that led Richard Feynman in the National Geographic special "Challenger: The Untold Story" to investigate a cause other than the simple O ring theory that everyone believed to be the root cause. That shudder that surged through the shuttle’s body and resulted in the disintegration of the external fuel tank was the real source of Challenger’s demise. As the external fuel tank crumbled from the extreme forces being applied to it, the fuel began to ignite and the massive explosion ensued and completed the catastrophic breakup of the shuttle. I would encourage you to view the documentary as it is highly in depth and sheds great insight on a cause that most people haven’t even heard about.
This was not a simple wind sheer or highly charged jet stream that NASA somehow missed. The force that we are talking about here was off the chart and had not been seen before by NASA engineers. Airplanes and even Space Shuttle’s experience turbulence, sometimes extremely violent turbulence, but never before had any kind of turbulence reached this magnitude. This was an event that mapped a new danger for our space program. Something had struck the shuttle with unprecedented force that cost the lives of 7 astronauts and crippled the space program for years. Scalar experts believed without a doubt that we had seen the first attack on our space program.
Columbia destroyed on re-entry
This was not the last. The Columbia disaster bears signatures that are also disturbing and have been classified after brief release to keep the information from the public. I was just learning about scalar technology when I was sitting at my dining table and watched the news stream across the television that communication had been lost with the shuttle during reentry. The foam theory and lost tile theory that the government put forth really never held water with most experts. The reason being was that the shuttle lost tiles on almost every trip into space but still retained its ability to come safely back to Earth.
Earlier, I discussed there are different modes of scalar attack. The mode we saw displayed during liftoff with Challenger was simple energy creating severe sheer to cause fatal stress to the vehicle. The second main kill mode is to release enough energy to destroy electronics and ignite gasses or fuel spontaneously.
Early reports in most disasters tend to be very accurate, contrary to what the government repeatedly touts. In this event there was information that came out that gave great clues to what really happened but eventually was confiscated and never shown again to the general public.
There is an astronomer in San Francisco that photographed each shuttle reentry as it occurred. This time his actions were no different but the photographs revealed something that he had not seen before. There were wild lightning type discharges that were emanating from the shuttle as though it was going through some violent electrical storm. The shuttle was completely intact, as these intense bolts seemed to strike the shuttle relentlessly as it came back to Earth. As these “discharges” attacked the shuttle it eventually began the chain reaction that would break it up as all of its vehicle stability controls were destroyed and eventually the remaining fuel ignited. If this was the only signature I would, just like most people, assume it was just simple electrical discharge as the shuttle came back to earth. But the second piece of evidence causes one to consider the “discharges" as something more.
Scalar attack recorded by NOAA
The other recordable signature, which struck a cord with scalar experts, was the fact that NOAA had picked up “infrasounds” that register below 20 hertz as the shuttle was descending. Scalar, as we discussed earlier, operates well below 20 Hz and can only be detected by government stations that usually are listening for rogue nuclear tests and the like. Government researchers confirmed to a reporter from the Toledo Blade that they had indeed picked up “infrasound” at the exact time of reentry on February 1. They admitted that this was very disturbing to them and they were unsure if this corresponded to the shuttle’s demise. The researchers also refused to discuss the findings as NASA and the government requested. If these discharges were simply that, there would not be a need to keep the information from the public and families of the lost astronauts.
What is disconcerting is that the San Francisco Chronicle reported the story about the photographs after the photographer called them. The photographer showed the pics to the Chronicle and they confirmed what they saw. The photos were deemed authentic by the Chronicle reporter and sent to NASA for confirmation. NASA obtained the photos and to this day they remain unreleased to the public. Apparently, they are kept in the same safe as Kennedy’s brain.
This possible attack on Columbia bears the marks that support the second type of scalar attack. Energy can be released on a vehicle, whether it is a missile or airplane or space shuttle, and if that EMP is strong enough it will kill all electronics and ignite the fuel on board. This is a much simpler attack, as it requires little strategy, just simple catastrophic failure of all critical components that keep the vehicle flying. As Columbia broke apart it is quite possible that the evidence that was classified would provide the real insight as to what really occurred. Again, the government seems bent on dispensing its own theory and imagining that everyone will believe it and ignore critical evidence.
You may think that all of this sounds like a bad sci-fi thriller, but I assure you there are many people within our own government that understand what scalar capabilities are out there and what weapons our own government has in its arsenal. I am not saying that these types of weapons don’t have their place and I think they can be crucial in defending our freedoms. But there is also evidence to suggest that significant events that have occurred and will continue to occur with more frequency are being caused by technology that most people are unaware of.
The great Tsunami may also be another event in which scalar weapons were being tested and created one of the great tragedies of our era. Scalar testing and weapons perfecting goes on continuously and such events like tsunamis may have been caused. Weather engineering is also occurring on a routine basis that is affecting your climate in many different ways. Katrina had all of the earmarks of being a manipulated event. More on that in a later article. I encourage you to ask why?
Coming up……who killed Kennedy…for real…and why...and why some people already know what the weather will be like on April 19th.